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Oct 2018

SAFE Environment Training on October 21st SAFE Environment Training: Registration Information Dear Parishioner, It is a diocesan requirement  that ALL ADULTS (18 and above) attend a program on Safe Environment Training for Children, unless you attended one of  the training sessions that was previously offered.  If you interact with minors, this is an absolute requirement, even if your interaction is very minimal. A certificate of completion is required before you can interact with minors.  In particular, if any family is hosting minors for retreats, or for any other parish event, all adults in the family  MUST......

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October 16, 2018

Parish Council Nomination for 2019-2020

Parish Council Nomination for 2019-2020     Dear Parishioners,   Greetings in the name of the Lord!   As I announced last Sunday, October 14, 2018 we will be forming a new parish council as...

October 10, 2018

SAFE Environment Training on October 21st

SAFE Environment Training on October 21st SAFE Environment Training: Registration Information Dear Parishioner, It is a diocesan requirement  that ALL ADULTS (18 and above) attend a program on Safe Environment Training for Children, unless you attended one of ...