Holy Week Schedule


HOLY WEEK Schedule

St. Alphonsa SyroMalabar Catholic Church Baltimore

Dear <<First Name>>,

May the Love and Peace of Risen Lord be with you and your family. Please find the Holy Week schedule of parish given below.

With love and prayers,
Fr. Seby Chittilappilly

Verse of the week: “And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age” (Matt 28:20)

Pesaha Thursday
7:00PM: Way of the Cross followed by Solemn Holy Qurbana
               •    Blessing of INRI appam
               •    Second collection for the Seminary Fund
               •    Adoration till midnight

Passion Friday
3:00PM to 6:00PM: Adoration of Blessed Sacrament
6:00PM: Ceremony of the Passion of Jesus Christ and Way of the Cross

                 •    Second collection for Holy Land 

Great Saturday
10:00AM: Holy Qurbana & Renewal of Baptismal Vows

Easter Service
7:00PM (Saturday): Easter Vigil Solemn Holy Qurbana & Snehavirunnu
10:00AM (Easter Sunday): Holy Qurbana 

Please note the following

  • Please park the car next to the curb closer to the church. Do not park on both sides of the road.  

Upcoming events
  • April 8th will be celebrated as Mercy Sunday. 
  • Painting Workshop
  • Solemn Holy Communion on June 9th, 2018
  • St. Alphonsa Feast: July 28th and July 29th

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