St. Alphonsa SyroMalabar Church Weekly Schedule (Aug 17 to Aug 23)
Dear <<First Name>>,
May the Peace and Joy of the Lord surround you and your family. Please find the weekly schedule of our parish given below.
With love and prayers, Fr. Seby Chittilappilly
Verse of the week:“…the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control…” (Gal 5:22-23)
08/17/18- Friday 08:00 AM : Holy Qurbana 09:00 AM: VBS
08/18/18- Saturday 09:00 AM: VBS 10:30 AM : Holy Qurbana
08/19/18- Sunday 09:00 AM : VBS 11:30 AM : Holy Qurbana
Lunch will be provided by Mr. Stephen Jacob & Mrs. Rani Stephen’s family
08/20/18- 08/23/18
No Holy Qurbana
Please note the following important events
There will only be one Holy Qurbana on Sunday Aug 19th at 11:30 AM
VBS 2018: Aug 17th to 19th
Parish Picnic on Aug 25th
Please bring items for auction such as vegetables, plants, paintings, art works, etc.