St. Alphonsa SyroMalabar Church Weekly Schedule (May 04 to May 10)


St. Alphonsa SyroMalabar Church Weekly Schedule (May 04 to May 10)

St. Alphonsa SyroMalabar Catholic Church Baltimore

Dear <<First Name>>,

May the Peace and Joy of the Risen Lord surround you and your family. Please find the weekly schedule of our parish given below.

With love and prayers,
Fr. Seby Chittilappilly

Verse of the week: “And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age” (Matt 28:20)

5/04/18-  First Friday    
07:00 PM : Holy Qurbana  & Adoration

5/05/18- Saturday
10:30 AM : Holy Qurbana
11:30 AM : Malayalam Pallikkoodam Annual Day
No Music Class
07:00 PM : St. Joseph’s Ward prayer at Mr. Jose 
                   & Mrs. Della Naralakattu’s residence

5/06/18- Sunday 
09:00 AM  : Holy Qurbana (English)
10.00 AM  : CCD
10:15 AM  : Adoration
11:30 AM  : Holy Qurbana (Malayalam)
                 Lunch sponsored by Mr. Bijo &
                   Mrs. Shirley Vithayathil family


5/07/18- Monday  
07:00PM : Holy Qurbana 

5/08/18- Tuesday  
08:30 AM : Holy Qurbana 

5/09/18- Wednesday
08:30 AM : Holy Qurbana 

5/10/18- Thursday
08:30 AM : Holy Qurbana

Please note the following important events

  • Mother’s Day Celebration on May 13th.
  • SAFE Environment Training on May 20th at 1.30PM
  • CCD Cookout on Jun 2nd & Price Distribution on June 3rd
  • Solemn Holy Communion on June 9th, 2018
  • Father’s Day Celebration on June 17th.
  • St. Alphonsa Feast: July 28th and July 29th
  • VBS 2018: Aug 17th to 19th
  • Parish Picnic on Aug 25th.

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