Welcome to St. Alphonsa Parish


As the vicar of your parish, I welcome you to our website!

As part of the SyroMalabar Catholic rite, we are proud to be part of a rich Catholic tradition. It is with great joy I say that our parish of over 100 families is where a genuine love of the Lord is alive and well.

We strive to recognize that everything we have is a gift from God. As Syro Malabar Catholic Christians we understand our need for one another and be part of the Universal Church. When we join together in a common purpose and vision, we find ourselves in the presence of God, Who is the source of our hope and Who supports and sustains us.

We seek to proclaim the Word of God faithfully. We seek to celebrate our communal prayer and worship, in particular the Eucharist, reverentially and joyfully. We seek to mark our faith for our children and ourselves with study and action. St. Alphonsa Parish has numerous ministries filled with people serving the Lord. We strongly believe every member brings a new gift to the parish, offering distinct talents to the church. Your own presence enriches us and builds up the life of the Church.

Whether you are a long time parishioner, newly registered, or a visitor, I am sure you will find this website full of useful information. We hope that this website will help you to connect with the many activities of Parish life. All are welcome at St. Alphonsa, wherever one may be on their faith journey. Our Parish is a welcoming one, and we truly want everyone to feel at home. Please contact me or the trustees if we can be of service, and know that you are always in my prayers.

Sincerely in Christ,

Fr. Seby Chittilappilly


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